Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Friends Of MothMan!

So, i've been thinking about creating a blog for ages, i do all this design and photography stuff and I'm pretty sick of just putting images into my crappy myspace photo albums So what better time to get round to actually doing it, than time that should be spent writing a bullshit dissertation?!

For the sake of initially having images on here i'm going to post some recent and some less recent stuff that i have been working on...

Last September i did a NeckFace inspired 'MothMan' design for THE ARTERIES (I play bass in this band.)
MothMan is a pretty intense dude, you can read about him here...

We used this design for shirts and koozies when we went to the U.S. East Coast last October...
The Shirts looked cool, we are all out

but there are still some koozies left... you can get them here!

There are more posts on their way...

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